

Hi family!

sooooooooooooooooo the news is this. i have a ROCKING transfer ahead of me. i got transferred to jamaica, queens and i am companions with sister winterton. sister winterton is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she is from roosevelt, ut and she is so sweet. jamaica is awesome :) we have eight missionaries in the ward plus a senior couple - the rasmussens. the ward meets in a building above the food court of an outdoor mall so if you open the curtains in any of the rooms you see people eating -- RIGHT there. it's a little different, but i LOVE it. sister winterton and i have set a bunch of goals while we are together and it has been absolutely incredible to see so much change in so little time. we have decided to put a HUGE focus on the Book of Mormon and it is awesome :) we started carrying an extra copy around and we have it out so that we can read it with people on the street and WELL, it's awesome. we have picked up five new investigators just this week. and we also decided that we want to work mostly with the young women of the ward. and it's going to be awesome. we went to youth sunday school and taught young womens yesterday and it was SO GOOD. the girls haven't had a YW advisor or anything for the last couple of weeks and they are really excited for us to come in and help. they didn't konw what the term mutual meant and got really excited when we told them that we could help them do activities.... sooooooooooo sister winterton, the yw of the ward, and myself are going to get pretty tight! they are really cute girls and i am really excited to be with them.

hmmm other things -- i live in SUCH a nice apartment -- we live on the 8th floor and we have an amazing view. sister winterton and i go out on the balcony for just a few minutes before we go to bed and laugh and joke around and we are so lucky to be able to do that and see all of queens! :)

we have had so many miracles this week. we REALLY want to focus on completing a family because there are so many part-member families here. we had an awesome experience when we were setting goals as to who we wanted to work with -- and a name just came. we visited them a couple of times already and we are just praying to be able to do everything we can for them and leave the rest to the Lord. they are a beautiful family and i cna't even imagine the joy that would come from seeing them be sealed in the temple..... so we are working for it. :) another cool miracle - we prayed and told Heavenly Father EXACTLY where we were going to be and the times we were going to be there and we asked to please have the people that are ready put in our path.... well, we were going to an appointment and sister winterton and i started talking to some ladies and they invited us in, got us chairs, and we taught them all about the restoration and they said that they REALLY wanted to read the book we had (obviously the book of mormon :) ) so--- we will see how it goes! there also was another man, parry, that we talked to and he called us during church and told us that he has been on a spiritual journey for a while, but his spirituality was just opened up when he met us and things have changed since we talked to him :) :) we are meeting with him this week.

so -- this week summed up. the book of mormon is amazing. i LOVE THE GOSPEL. it truly is the answer to EVERY question and hardship we go through.

love you all

sister m smith

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