Hi family! So this week was just wonderful! Last Pday was AWESOME :) sis. smith and i went to chinatown and looked at all of the crazy stuff that is there and it was great. then we went to the beach -- okay i LOVE being able to just go to the beach and it's only 15 minutes away. so we had fun :) today is zone activity which, roughly translated, means all the elders get together and eat pizza and play sports. and the sisters? well, we eat pizza and chat :) and try to take a nap in the park.
This week had so many miracles!!!!!!! We met this guy named Blaise on the train and he just started talking to me -- wanted to meet with us and hear about the Book of Mormon. oh yeah! and when we met with him he said he had no idea why he was there because it's very unlike him to just meet with some random girls talking about Christ. he came to church on sunday and he loved it! he said he would be baptized when he gets an answer too so yeah. really big miracle.
Tamara decided she didn't want to talk to us this week -- but she got over it when she saw the elder she has fallen in love with. so we had a long talk about how you can't fall in love with missionaries and how you have to go to church for the right reasons. but she did really well with that little information so -- we are hoping that she gets baptized on halloween. weird that halloween is on sunday by the way. i'm so mad because pumpkins are really expensive in new york -- but stacy and chris (their story will be later) want us to come carve pumpkins with them! :) :) i like that idea.
Rachel -- IS GOING TO GET BAPTIZED ON HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!! she LOVED church and she said that she had a dream before she met us where some guy told her that she really needed to get baptized. dun da dah!!!!!! so we are teaching her and she wants to bring her husband to church along with their two little kids. yeah -- life as a missionary is awesome.
We also met with Stacy and Chris last night. I don't know if you all remember - Stacy is from idaho and chris isn't a member. stacy is super cute and made us breakfast for dinner and told us she wanted to carve pumpkins :) !! well, when we first met with chris he told us that he won't do things for anyone else but himself and he was pretty standoffish about everything. last night we talked about the plan of salvation and the atonement and stacy was crying and chris said that he is going to pray about the plan and getting baptized. so yeah -- they could both use some praying right now. i know that stacy's family has probably been praying for this for a LONG time, and it is absolutely incredible to be the person that gets to knock on the door and teach and be the answer to so many prayers.
i was just telling dad about this -- the whole mission is having "a year of miracles". president nelson has set a goal starting nov. 1 2009 to baptize double the baptisms for a normal year. well, nov. 1 2010 is coming REALLY fast and it is incredible that people are just being found. faith and work and God's help make really cool stuff happen.
well, that's about it for the week. we have a few more weeks in the transfer and i want to stay so bad. SO BAD. our ward has their first missionary coming home in 10 years so they are all freaking out and doing a huge party for him -- we get to make the welcome home banner. and yeah. life is really good. the church is true. we are so blessed to have the knowledge of the gospel and the atonement and i LOVE knowing that my family is sealed for time and all eternity. because i love my family :)
-sister michelle smith
{Pictures of ME}
the first one is rachel -- she was sitting in her baby's stroller while we taught her and we thought it was pretty funny :)
second is sister t. smith's chalkboard drawing of us
i forgot to tell you about this!!!!!!! in chinatown there is a drink place called bubbles - well sister smith wanted to get us some -- it's slushies with tapioca balls in the bottom and you just swallow them and it feels like you are swallowing bubbles -- really weird but good
it was really really windy at the beach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!