SO - this is lame but tooth report :) -- i am so blessed! the crack in the crown didn't break the seal so they just polished it up and everything is good. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! dad i will email you a little more about it :) and i love you all
we moved so it's only sister smith and i in the apartment. we just live in a little studio apartment and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so so so beautiful. we have been truly blessed by the work that the senior couples in our mission do for us - they have busted tail to get our zone into separate apartments and they did such a good job. oh - and they really did spoil the sisters :) they saw our apartment and said oh the sisters HAVE to have this one! yeah, sorry all you ex-elders out there --- sisters do get special treatment and we know and we know that we are spoiled but hey - we appreciate it :) :)
well, this week was a lot of moving. we are in another Jewish neighborhood -- which is cool. a little Jewish girl stopped us the other day and asked us to plug something in for her because she wasn't allowed to touch the plug because it was her holiday -- easiest service i have EVER done for someone. and she was so grateful because it was her air conditioning that was unplugged. yeah - she thought we were pretty cool for doing it!
i got proposed to this week - some guy just said that mormons have a lot of pretty girls and he wants to join so he can marry one of them. then he said it was me he wanted to marry. yeah -- don't worry. it is DEFINITELY not going to happen. my favorite pick-up line of the week is "i want more of YOUR bible study" haha.
the elders had another baptism yesterday that was really really cool. she started crying as soon as she came out of the water and just cried for 2 whole minutes. hope the water was warm or that was probably uncomfortable :) kidding. one of our investigators was there and she said she is getting really excited for her baptism on the 10th!!!!!!! we are taking things slow with her though because she is a very extreme person and she walked out of sacrament meeting last week and yeah. just taking things slow so she is ready :)
GENERAL RELIEF SOCIETY MEETING!! aww. i LOVED it! i have never really been SO EXCITED for general conference and i realize now that i was being an IDIOT! we have the opportunity to listen to a LIVING PROPHET. like a living nephi! and i just didn't get it!! but it was really good to listen to the prophet and i LOVED sister thompson's talk about visiting teaching. i didn't realize how important that is either until now when i go to visit soooooooo many sisters that haven't had contact with the church in years. we each have the responsibility of taking care of a few of our heavenly father's children and he trusts us with that ! and it is the calling that i just brushed under the rug most often. oops.
winford is doing really well. we just want to yell at him sometimes and say HELLO YOUR ANSWER IS RIGHT THERE!!!!!!!!!! sometimes we are really stupid when we ask heavenly father again and again and again for an answer and it is RIGHT there. we are just so stubborn! i'm just REALLY glad heavenly father is SOO patient.
this month the mission is having "sister conference" and we get to go to the mission home for the day. holy moly i'm STOKED!!!!!!!!!!!! and i'm also stoked for CONFERENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!! woot. okay fam. i LOVE you. sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. every night i thank heavenly father for blessing me beyond ANYTHING i deserve with such an incredible family and friends. all of your letters give me the biggest strength and i just thank heaven that i am the luckiest girl alive.
i love you. sister mich
Pictures of the week!
the first ones are my new beautiful apartment :) i know - i'm way spoiled! the others are from the staten island ferry